bodum KENYA French press coffee maker 0.35L 10682-01 Review

bodum KENYA French press coffee maker 0.35L 10682-01 is a great product we could not be more pleased with its performance. Most of the customers are quite happy with the bodum KENYA French press coffee maker 0.35L 10682-01.

  • :10682-01 Manufacturer's part number
  • Size (about): diameter 7.7 x width (including handle) 16.3cm height 11.5 x
  • Weight: about 250g
  • Material: borosilicate glass (heat-resistant glass), polypropylene
  • Country of origin: China

Coffee maker to enjoy the taste of coffee beans originally. It is very ecology is not a disposable mesh filter made of metal. [Features] Press formula coffee maker is also known as "French press" because it was widespread in Paris, France in the 1950s. Major feature is the ability to extract oil of beans (coffee oil). - Are included in oil of "beans (coffee oil). Aroma and taste of coffee beans French press, metal rather than such as flannel or paper filter time the coffee beans are touching the hot water also, long Because using a mesh filter, metal mesh is also., I bring out taste as it is the fragrance and taste of the coffee beans coffee oil is not being absorbed by the filter, the taste of coffee beans originally has Because it can be used many times instead of a disposable filter, you can enjoy a coffee in ecology so. [usage] to (1) water 120cc, put the coffee powder of 7g. and bean (water Put a stretch 96 ) (90 ~ hot water only a little, please adjust to your liking amount.) and from (2) boiling. Once you've extracted (3) about 4 minutes, plunger with a knob of the lid Press down down. pouring coffee (4) Cup, it is completion.

Before you buy, inform yourself by checking bodum KENYA French press coffee maker 0.35L 10682-01 best price by click the link below and find more details about this product.

bodum KENYA French press coffee maker 0.35L 10682-01

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